التكنولوجيا المالية و دورها في تعزيز الشمول المالي: دراسة تحليلية لمجموعة من الدول العربية Financial technology and its role in promoting financial inclusion: an analytical study of a group of Arab countries

Document Type : Original Article


مدرس الاقتصاد المعهد العالي للحاسب الآلى ونظم المعلومات – أبو قير – الإسكندرية


The study aimed to highlight the role and importance of financial technology in promoting financial inclusion as a basic pillar for economic development and improving the quality of life for all members of society. The study sample included a group of Arab countries and reviewed the indicators of financial inclusion for those countries. The level of financial inclusion is far from the desired size to enhance the financial economy of these countries, due to the weak volume of individual income and levels of financial education, weakness, as well as the inefficiency of the financial system in facilitating access to financial services.
